2B: Show Me the Money: How to Secure Grant Funding for Your Projects

Monday, September 30, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Grant funding can feel like free money- just apply and your project will be funded! But if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the process or had several applications rejected in a row, you know it’s not that simple. Join Jenn and Kristen, two experienced grant writers, for a discussion of the pre-application, application, and post-application stages of funding projects large and small. They will answer questions like “Is my project ready for a grant application?” “How do I manage a project that needs more than one funding source?” “How do I develop a strong and competitive application?” “We got the award! Now what?” Bring your active or sleeper projects for which you’d love to find grant funds and we will get some real work done together!