Demetrios Lazarikos

Career CISO, Entrepreneur, Business and Technical Advisor at

Speaker Bio
Demetrios Lazarikos (Laz)

A recognized authority for building cybersecurity, fraud, and data analytics solutions, Laz has decades of executive experience leading and supporting some of the largest InfoSec programs in financial services, technology, retail, hospitality, and transportation verticals.

As a Boardroom Certified Qualified Technology Expert (QTE), Laz is no stranger to working with and advising Boards of Directors, exec staff, individuals, emerging tech companies, venture capitalists, and regulator communities about technology and cybersecurity trends.

Past roles include: Founder, Blue Lava (acquired by Zyston), CISO at vArmour, CISO at Sears, CISO at Silver Tail Systems (acquired by RSA/EMC), VP of Strategic Initiatives at ReddShell Corporation (acquired by TrustWave), Director of Technology at SGI, Director of Technology at EDS (acquired by HP), and the United States Air Force (USAF).

Laz is a twice-decorated USAF veteran, inventor of several patents, open-source contributor, published author, keynote speaker, an Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management, and an Adjunct Professor at Chapman University. He holds several industry certifications, a Master’s degree in Computer Information Security from the University of Denver, and a MBA from Pepperdine University.
Demetrios Lazarikos