H5. Management Oriented Security
Security Management
Thursday, June 6, 2019
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
If I was to ask you "Can you prove the Effectiveness, Quality and Efficiency of your Information Security Functions?" .... could you show me something? If you could, is it mature enough that someone ELSE would come to the same conclusion without your narrative? If you are shaking your head yes but there is a little voice inside that screams "OMG NO!" ... come join us. Its not admission of guilt, but an opportunity to see how mature programs "measure up" and how others just use a banana for scale.
Learner Objectives
Hey it's Chris Nickerson. Objectives, really?
Speaker Bio(s)
Chris Nickerson, CEO of Lares, has spent the last 20 years of his career leading, inspiring, and sometimes irritating, the security industry. Creator of PTES, BSIDES and other bad ideas. Ted alum speaker and overall "liability."