5E: Trespass Poaching on Open Space

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

In Colorado the names Samson and Big Boy bring to mind the memory of majestic “trophy” elk that had community connections in the towns of Estes Park and Boulder. One poached on YMCA camp property and another in a neighborhood community. Legal hunting helps control wildlife populations. Poaching robs people of wildlife observation, photography, legal hunting opportunities, and potentially puts people and property in harm's way. Recent cases of poaching on public property have ramifications for Open Space Rangers and Managers which bring concern. Some district attorney’s offices are not sure hunting restrictions on Open Space are covered by Title 33 laws. Thus limiting the enforcement of some hunting laws, possibly leaving our Colorado Open Spaces unprotected, and resulting in some cases with the maximum fine of a civil penalty assessment as the only recourse in a poaching case, with no future hunting restrictions for a Public Land poacher. This panel discussion will explore what poaching risks we have on our Open Spaces and whether updated regulations are needed to protect Colorado’s Open Lands and Wildlife.