3A: Coming Together for Colorado’s Outdoors

Monday, September 30, 2024, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM

Colorado's Outdoors Strategy is an effort to develop a regionally rooted, statewide vision and action plan for conservation, outdoor recreation, and climate resilience - analogous in scale and importance to the Colorado Water Plan. Phase I of this unprecedented planning process is complete and we now have a draft Strategy. Phase II consists of opportunities for stakeholders and communities statewide to learn about and provide feedback on the strategy - this session will provide you with that opportunity! Join us and provide your input on beta versions of the Strategy's goals, measures, objectives/actions, maps, tools, and resources. The consultant team and the convening partners will use your input to further refine and finalize the strategy and develop an implementation plan that harnesses the contributions and collective actions of many partners in the COSA community and beyond. This session is targeted toward those in leadership roles within their organization.