1A: Ephemeral to Perennial: How Understanding Change Keeps Us Grounded in Community

Monday, September 30, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Located south of Bennett, CO, the 265-acres of Kiowa Creek Open Space (KCOS) are a picturesque representation of the rural character of eastern Arapahoe County. However, as subdivisions start to dot the countryside and new residents with a desire for parks and open spaces move in, KCOS has become poised to address both local and regional community needs. Development, specifically small-lot, is not only fueling the need for a programmed open space, it is also causing potentially massive hydrologic changes to Kiowa Creek. The combination of these two changes requires a design approach that balances resource protection, rural Colorado heritage, and recreational activities. As planners, designers, and stewards of the land, the challenge we face is how to co-create a valuable, contemporary community amenity that maintains its authenticity through change. KCOS provides a trove of lessons for how our multidisciplinary team reckons with both environmental and demographic changes, while staying Grounded in Community.