Jessica Barker

Co-Founder & Co-CEO at Cygenta

Speaker Bio
Dr. Jessica Barker is a leader in the human nature of cybersecurity, has been named one of the top 20 most influential women in cybersecurity in the UK and awarded as one of the UK’s Tech Women 50 in 2017. She is the Chair of ClubCISO.
Equipped with years of experience running her own consultancy, she co-founded Cygenta, working with a variety of organizations from small creative agencies through to multi-national banks, law firms, and retailers. Her consultancy experience, technical knowledge, and sociology background give her unique insight. She is known for her clear communication style and for making cybersecurity accessible to all.
Jessica Barker delivers thought-provoking and engaging presentations across the world, at corporate events as well as practitioner and academic conferences. Known for her ability to engage everyone from senior executives to ethical hackers and creative workers, she brings energy, enthusiasm, and fun to cybersecurity. Her speaking engagements are rooted in the work she does around the psychology and sociology of cybersecurity, particularly regarding cybersecurity threats, social engineering, how to effectively communicate cybersecurity messages, the psychology of fear and cybersecurity, and the language of cybersecurity. Her specialisms span cybersecurity awareness, behavior, and culture.
Barker’s many appearances discussing cybersecurity on national and international TV and Radio have cemented her place as the media’s go-to expert on subjects that require graceful, clear and engaging communication of technical subjects. She frequently appears on the BBC, Sky News, Channel 4 News, Channel 5 News, Radio 4’s Today programme, Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show and more. Jessica Barker has been published in the Sunday Times, Grazia and the Guardian, and frequently in the industry press. Barker and her husband FC were Guest Curators of the 2018 Cheltenham Science Festival and are keen supporters of the NCSC Cyber Schools Hub, TeenTech and the Cyber Security Challenge.
Jessica Barker