Gene Spafford


Speaker Bio
Eugene H. Spafford is a professor of Computer Sciences at Purdue University. He is also the founder and Executive Director Emeritus of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security.

Spaf obtained degrees in math, computer science, and beer (the latter was an honorary degree bestowed by peers) from Georgia Tech. It wasn't so much the work he did as it was his ability to annoy his committee to the point of getting him out the door in 1986. He spent the next year engaged in activities that he now describes as "a postdoc…nothing more, and certainly nothing involving explosives" in a low voice accompanied by furtive glances over his shoulder.

At Purdue since 1987, Professor Spafford is still unclear when the statute of limitations runs out for his "postdoc." However, after 37 years in Indiana, he is beginning to relax about possibly visiting several Southern states and Central American countries again, and he no longer giggles nervously when people mention "grits" or "kudzu."

Spaf has traveled extensively, having lost his luggage (and his way) in at least a dozen countries. Leaders in government and industry frequently call him, mainly because his cell phone number is close to that of a good pizza parlor. In his spare time, he learns new languages: he currently speaks 12 languages, although there is no one else who understands any of them.

More information may be found at .
Gene Spafford