Incident Response & Threat Intelligence

W1-2A. Evolution of threat intelligence, tracking your boss for fun, profit, and protection

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Room 2A


The world of Threat Intelligence is evolving, we started off with knowing little, evolved to trying to understand the landscape we live within (both in the physical and digital realms) and then took a turn in trying to understand the adversaries and their tactics. We've been mildly successful in each of these, but still have not taken much time to really understand ourselves, and those folks we're meant to be protecting. Let's break down the hoomans around us, what we should be looking for, how we can use Threat Intelligence to help them, educate them, and (sometimes) where necessary identify them as potential problem children. We keep hearing that we (the squishy bags of walking water and flesh) are the main attack vector, so lets do something about it by demonstrating how we profile, how we build an intelligence packet, and how we can use that to communicate change to those around us. Oh, and while we're at it we can work on reducing the probabilities of adversaries actions. ALL this and more by actually using (and challenging) those vendors that flout their intelligence prowess...

Learner Objectives

After this session we expect, hope, and anticipate that the attendees will be better armed with the following: - A clear understanding of what Threat intelligence is AND is not - A set of questions to ask ANY Threat Intelligence provider - A better set of use-cases FOR threat intelligence within their organizations - An understanding of how to reduce probability and quantify risk - Some tools to help the people around them understand what IS out there, and how's it's being used against them.