
W1-2G. Five Things DevOps Wants from InfoSec

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Room 2G


Why does it seem that DevOps and Security are always at odds with each other? Why does Security have such a bad reputation among developers? In this session, you’ll learn that developers actually WANT to work with Security – they care about writing secure code! But we as security professionals need to understand that developers don’t want another “Big Brother” telling them what to do – they need an active and supportive partner in the delivery process. This session will highlight five things that every DevOps team wants from their InfoSec teams. Everyone is on the same team, after all, so let’s help DevOps accomplish their goal to release the best – and most secure – code possible. Learning Outcomes: After the session, learners will be able to: Recognize the root causes of tension between DevOps and Security teams Understand the developer's perspective on security Define the ideal role of Security in the DevOps process Identify five specific actions Security can take today to better support DevOps