Emerging Trends

R4-2D. Weaponizing Your Cybersecurity Program Using Technology Transformation

Thursday, June 13, 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Room 2DE


Generative AI's arrival necessitates a complete overhaul and transformation of cybersecurity strategies and skillsets. No longer can companies rely on outdated playbooks and reactive measures. Here's what needs immediate attention: -Technology stack assessment: Current tools might be inadequate for future threats. Re-evaluate and upgrade frequently to match the evolving threat landscape. -Data access expansion: Protecting "crown jewels" within a fortress is insufficient. Generative AI requires data across the enterprise and with partners, demanding comprehensive access control across diverse locations. -Security model shift: Next-generation firewalls and VPNs might need replacing. SASE-based models better suit today's dynamic enterprise edge with distributed partners. -Third-party risk management: Prepare for partner cybersecurity failures. Develop strategies to protect your data even with compromised vendors. -Application rationalization: Excessive applications strain security resources and become vulnerable over time. Advocate for enterprise-wide rationalization beyond IT Security.

Learner Objectives

Foster IT & Security Collaboration: -Recognize synergy: Acknowledge the multiplying effect of collaboration between IT Security and Information Technology on cyber resilience. -Build partnerships: No CISO can achieve optimal cybersecurity program without a strong partnership with the CIO. Foster active collaboration and shared transformation goals. -Promote leadership: Emphasize the importance of cyber leadership across the organization. Everyone contributes to cyber resilience. By embracing continuous transformation and fostering strong collaboration, you can build a robust cyber posture that adapts to the ever-changing threat landscape.