Risk & Compliance/Legislation

T6-3B. Hot Topics in Compliance - ISO 27001 VS. AICPA SOC 2

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Room 3BC

ISO 27001 and the AICPA SOC 2 are two of the most popular information security frameworks globally. Attend this training to broaden your understanding of the specific nuances between the two frameworks to help guide your Company towards the right answer of whether your Company should pursue its SOC 2 Compliance, or its ISO 27001 certification. During this training attendees will walk through the baseline expectations required for positive implementation of each framework, as well as deep dive into relevant readiness activities and requirements for each. By the end of this training attendees will have a method of weighing the pros and cons of each framework, and ultimately create a roadmap for their compliance journey ahead.
Learner Objectives
After this session, the learner will: *Understand the fundamentals and requirements of ISO Certification *Understand the fundamentals and requirements of AICPA SOC 2 Compliance *Be able to intelligently compare the pros and cons of each framework for decision making *Create a Company roadmap for readiness and implementation of ISO 27001 certification *Create a Company roadmap for readiness and implementation of AICPA SOC 2 compliance *Be more equipped and prepared to justify the compliance roadmap established with relevant Company Leadership and the Board of Directors