Emerging Trends

R1-2D. Continuous Threat Exposure Management / CTEM

Thursday, June 13, 2024 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Room 2DE


What CTEM is and isn't. How this relatively new Framework will help solve the challenges with keeping up with the ever exploding list of critical vulnerabilities and attack surfaces. According to Gartner, "by 2026 organizations prioritizing their security investments based on continuous exposure management programme will be 3x less likely to suffer from a breach". Learn how CTEM can help businesses comply with industry specific regulations and data privacy laws, as well as providing security teams with clear focus and prioritization of efforts.

Learner Objectives

After this session, the learner will: be able to compare traditional VM programs to CTEM understand the 5 step approach to CTEM know the key benefits of CTEM as well as the challenges of implementing