Incident Response & Threat Intelligence

W4-2A. Building Out a Cyber Threat Intelligence Team

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Room 2A


Embark on a transformative journey with our exclusive 1-hour breakout session, designed for cybersecurity enthusiasts, IT professionals, and organizational leaders eager to fortify their defenses against evolving digital threats. Session Highlights: Strategic Framework: Explore the essential elements of building a robust Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) team. Understand how to align your team's objectives with organizational goals for maximum impact. Talent Acquisition: Learn the art of assembling a dynamic team of experts. Identify the key skills, competencies, and backgrounds required to create a well-rounded CTI force capable of staying one step ahead of cyber adversaries. Case Studies: Delve into real-world examples of successful CTI team implementations. Gain insights from industry leaders who have fortified their organizations against cyber threats using intelligence-driven strategies. Who Should Attend: CISOs and IT Security Leaders Cybersecurity Analysts IT Professionals Risk Management Teams Decision-Makers Concerned with Cybersecurity Arm yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to build a proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence team capable of safeguarding your digital assets in today's complex threat landscape.

Learner Objectives

Understand the Core Components of a Cyber Threat Intelligence Team: Define the key elements and functions of a robust Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) team. Explore how the CTI team fits into the broader cybersecurity strategy of an organization. Identify Critical Skills and Competencies for CTI Team Members: Recognize the diverse skill sets required for effective threat intelligence analysis. Assess the importance of varied backgrounds and expertise within a CTI team. Analyze Real-World Case Studies: Examine practical examples of successful CTI team implementations in various industries. Extract lessons learned from case studies to apply to your own organization's cybersecurity strategy. Develop an Actionable Roadmap for Building a CTI Team: Summarize the key takeaways to create a comprehensive roadmap for establishing or enhancing a CTI team within your organization. By the end of this breakout session, participants will have gained the knowledge and insights needed to strategically build and enhance a Cyber Threat Intelligence team, ensuring a proactive and resilient approach to cybersecurity in the face of evolving digital threats.