Incident Response & Threat Intelligence

W2-2A. First Aid Forensics: Investigating on a Budget

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Room 2A


Forensics is a highly specialized field and hiring a forensic expert doesn’t always fit into budgets for smaller organizations or noncritical events. When these investigations and incidents occur, it often falls to the current security or IT staff to undertake the forensic role. Learning the basics of forensic methodology, learning about free and open source or low cost tools and training, and examining triage decision points will allow IT staff to provide limited forensic assistance while safely preserving data and evidence for further analysis or later use in legal proceedings.

Learner Objectives

After this session, learner will: * Be able to identify free and low cost tools and training to use as a forensic first responder * Understand the basics of evidence preservation and documentation * Know the basic cost/benefit of DIY forensic triage and response * Be able to identify decision points in an investigation where expert assistance might be needed.