Security Management

W3-2B. Cybersecurity Lessons from Jurassic Park

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Room 2BC


Jurassic Park, Spielberg's record-breaking movie adaptation of Michael Crichton's work, is most cited for its excellent and realistic portrayal of dinosaurs and is undoubtedly responsible for introducing an entire generation to the idea of prehistoric animals. What is often overlooked though, is that the story is as much about computers as it is about dinosaurs. From the discussions of complex systems with millions of lines of code, to the core plot of a malware backdoor bringing down the park's fences, Jurassic Park is a window into the challenges of a technology driven world and the many dangers posed by an avaricious and hasty adoption of high-tech solutions. This talk explores these dangers from the perspective of cybersecurity architecture and incident response, with an eye on the latest ransomware attacks.

Learner Objectives

- Revise their cybersecurity planning and recovery procedures - Reflect on the dangers of automation and the challenges of complex systems - Have a broad outlook on the various aspects of cybersecurity that go beyond their role - Have a better understanding of how decisions affect other parts of the business - Build more robust and resilient cyber defenses - Rewatch Jurassic Park. They'll never look at the movie the same way again