Risk & Compliance/Legislation

R2-3B. Be Aware, Get Prepared, Defend Yourself

Thursday, June 13, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Room 3BC


In today's cyber battleground, the urgency of effective risk assessment and management has never been more critical. With ever-increasing threats and regulatory requirements, making sure that your information security program is not only compliant but effective is crucial to the survival of your organization. To help companies implement an effective security program, I have developed the Heuristic Risk Management (HRM) approach that I will review in this presentation. This approach, tailored for technical and non-technical leaders, offers simplicity without sacrificing effectiveness in reducing risk and involves looking at cyber risk from the strategic level down to the day-to-day operations of the information security program.

Learner Objectives

After this session, the learner will: - Understand the differences between effective and compliant information security programs - Understand the differences between strategic, tactical, and operational risk - Understand how to quickly implement a cybersecurity program that mitigates risk to the organization