
R2-3G. Steps to a Secure Portfolio: Due Diligence During M&A & Beyond

Thursday, June 13, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Room 3G


Did you know that less than five percent (5%) of organizations engaging in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) will consider cybersecurity risk assessments during the M&A process? It is crucial for investment companies to consider the unique risks associated with information security. To avoid costs, investors must prioritize privacy, information security, and compliance concerns at the outset of an M&A transaction. An M&A process that accounts for these risks can fortify the organization’s information security strategy across its portfolios. The session outlines the initial steps in due diligence, focusing on understanding the target's information security landscape and integrating legal, technical, and operational insights to mitigate potential risks. The formation of a multidisciplinary due diligence team and the execution of a comprehensive questionnaire and document review process are discussed as key strategies for uncovering IT and security-related information. The importance of identifying critical data and IT assets to assess risks accurately is highlighted, along with effective practices to avoid delays in the due diligence process. The talk concludes by stressing the impact of cybersecurity on the valuation of M&A deals, advocating for thorough cybersecurity due diligence parallel to financial reviews to ensure a secure and valuable investment.

Learner Objectives

Learner Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the importance of cybersecurity in M&A 2. Identify and evaluate the unique risks associated with information security in the context of M&A transactions 3. Acquire knowledge on the initial steps required for conducting thorough due diligence. 4. Understand how to integrate legal, technical, and operational insights into the due diligence process to effectively mitigate potential cybersecurity risks. 5. Learn the importance of forming a multidisciplinary due diligence team and the roles and responsibilities of each member in uncovering IT and security-related information. 6. Gain insights into executing a comprehensive questionnaire and document review process as key strategies for identifying IT and security vulnerabilities. 7. Understand how to accurately identify and assess critical data and IT assets to evaluate the associated risks effectively. 8. And, more….