AppSec & DevSecOps

A4: AppSec Testing: Start Left to Stay Ahead

Thursday, June 8, 2023 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Room 401/402


AppSec teams continue to struggle in 2023 as they have to deal with hundreds of developers for every security expert and they are simply unable to keep up with accelerating development timelines. The only way to permanently unblock application security is to invest in conducting security testing as early in the SDLC as Unit security testing. In this session I will deep dive into the most frustrating challenges application security runs into while aiming to Shift Left and the practical steps to do it effectively. I will close with the icing on the cake, which are the significant and proven benefits of a Shift Left AppSec

Learner Objectives

1. Understand the benefits of Shift Left approach 2. Learn how to scale security testing and truly reduce risk exposure 3. Explore how to effectively and successfully Shift AST Left 4. Master how to reduce security and technical debt 5. Absorb how to maximise developer productivity