E1. CFP - Shift Left with DevSecOps: Scanning Every Single Code Change
AppSec & DevSecOps
Thursday, June 10, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

In the agile world, where continuous iteration of development and testing happens throughout the software development lifecycle, which involves constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement and iteration at every stage, where development of features takes place so rapidly, where engineers release their changes very frequently and so the chances of potential security loopholes become more and more real. Here we will talk about building such a solution to push a shift left culture for security by the automated process for continuous scanning of different kinds of potential security issues on every code change.

Learner Objectives

After completing this session, learner will be able to learn 1. How to use AWS codepipeline 2. How to integrate security in CICD pipeline 3. What is shift left approach?