Full Name
Stan Wisseman
Job Title
Chief Security Strategist & Business Solutions Director
Micro Focus
Speaker Bio
Stan Wisseman is a Chief Security Strategist and Business Solutions Director for Micro Focus’ security products. In these roles, Mr. Wisseman is responsible for providing driving business, but also providing thought leadership and insight regarding the ever-changing global threat landscape. Mr. Wisseman has over 30 years of information security experience and has built security into products, systems, software, and enterprises. He has worked for the NSA, Oracle, Cable & Wireless, Cigital, and Booz Allen Hamilton in roles that have ranged from Security Engineer, Product Manager, and Director of Information Security consulting practices. Prior to joining HPE in 2014, Mr. Wisseman served as the Chief Information Security Officer for Fannie Mae with responsibilities for information security and business resiliency across the organization.
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