The Rise of GenAI: Redefining Human-Machine Interactions and the Need for a New GRC Paradigms

Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

The advent of GenAI agents transforms technology interaction, altering the human-machine relationship.This paradigm shift impacts education, healthcare, customer service, and entertainment, providing personalized experiences, automating tasks, and improving decision-making. Adapting to this era, organizations must adjust the GRC frameworks for responsible GenAI development. Utilizing GenAI's potential while mitigating risks requires GRC practices emphasizing transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations, including clear guidelines for data privacy, bias prevention, and addressing misuse. As GenAI agents integrate into daily lives, organizations must proactively embrace GRC principles, fostering a trust-based environment. This ensures responsible use of this powerful technology for societal benefit. Learning opportunities: Discover how GenAI's advanced language understanding, intelligent conversations, and complex query comprehension revolutionize human-machine interaction. Explore why proactive GRC is key to integrating GenAI responsibly and maximizing its benefits in business and everyday life. Learn how to adapt your GRC frameworks for responsible GenAI development and mitigate potential risks.