T14: Health-conscious Fast Charging Strategies and Battery Management Systems for Electrified Autonomous Transportation
Sunday, October 11, 2020
11:00 AM - 11:25 AM


Sheldon Williamson



Enhancing the calendar life and safety of Lithium-ion battery packs has been the topic of much interest when it comes to transportation electrification. In this framework, the role of on-board active cell voltage balancing of Li-ion batteries will be highlighted in this talk. This is a very important topic in the context of battery energy storage cost and life/state-of-charge, SOC/state-of-health, SOH monitoring. This talk will also introduce a first-of-its-kind closed-loop cell charge (voltage) balancing and extreme fast charging technique. The technique uses instantaneous cell voltage and/or temperature rise (ΔT) as a control parameter.

Instructor Bios:

Sheldon S. Williamson (S’01–M’06–SM’13–F’20) received his Bachelors of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Electrical Engineering with high distinction from University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India, in 1999. He received the Masters of Science (M.S.) degree in 2002, and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree (with Honors) in 2006, both in Electrical Engineering, from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, specializing in automotive power electronics and motor drives, at the Grainger Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory. Currently, Dr. Williamson is a Professor at the Smart Transportation Electrification and Energy Research (STEER) group, within the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering, at Ontario Tech University, in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. He also holds the prestigious NSERC Canada Research Chair position in Electric Energy Storage Systems for Transportation Electrification. His main research interests include advanced power electronics and motor drives for transportation electrification, electric energy storage systems, and electric propulsion. Prof. Williamson is a Fellow of the IEEE.