Presentations and Authors:
1. Analysis of Implementation Methodologies of Deadbeat Direct-Torque and Flux Control (DB-DTFC) for IPMSMs in Stationary and Rotatory Reference Frames (Daniel E. Gaona, Hadi El Khatib, Teng Long, Michael Saur)
2. MTPA Tracking Algorithms for IPMSMs and SynRMs: Accurate Evaluation and Adaptive Tuning of Real Signal Injection and Virtual Signal Injection (Sandro Calligaro, Davide Marzona, Roberto Petrella, Amir Shahdadi)
3. Overmodulation Strategy for Deadbeat-Flux and Torque Control of IPMSM with Flux Trajectory Control in the Stationary Reference Frame (Daniel E. Gaona, Hadi El Khatib, Teng Long, Michael Saur)
4. A Novel Method for Measuring High Frequency DQ-Axis and Cross-Coupling Inductances in Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (B. Shuang, Z.Q. Zhu)
5. Enhancement of Disturbance Rejection Capability in Dual Three Phase PMSM System by using Virtual Impedance (Luocheng Yan, Ziqiang Zhu, Ji Qi, Yuan Ren, Chengwei Gan, Simon Brockway, Chris Hilton)
6. Magnet Temperature Estimation in Variable Leakage Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines using the Magnet Flux Linkage (Diego F. Laborda, David Díaz Reigosa, Daniel Fernández, Kensuke Sasaki, Takashi Kato, Fernando Briz)
7. Power Hardware-in-the-Loop based Emulation of an Open-Winding Permanent Magnet Machine (K.S. Amitkumar, Pragasen Pillay)
8. Electric Drives with Wide Bandgap Devices for Two-Phase Very Low Inductance Machines (Yibin Zhang, Damien Lawhorn, Peng Han, Aaron M. Cramer, Dan M. Ionel)