Presentations and Authors:
1. Modular Smart Transformer Topology for the Interconnection of Multiple Isolated AC and DC Grids (Johannes Kuprat, Markus Andresen, Vivek Raveendran, Marco Liserre)
2. An Active Damping Control Strategy for a Multi-Cell AC-DC Solid State Transformer (Vishnu Mahadeva Iyer, Srinivas Gulur, Subhashish Bhattacharya)
3. Coordinated Power Control Strategy of Modified Electrical Energy Router (Zixun Pan, Xiaofeng Yang, Zejie Li, Haibo Tao, Yanbin Zhang, Trillion Q. Zheng, Pavel Kobrle)
4. A Hybrid Voltage Regulator with Arcless Tap Change and Stepless Voltage Regulation Functions (Yafeng Wang, Tiefu Zhao)
5. 500kVA Hybrid Solid State Transformer (HSST): Architecture, Functionality and Control (Qingyun Huang, Sanjay Rajendran, Soumik Sen, Zhicheng Guo, Liqi Zhang, Alex Q. Huang)
6. A Control Method of Hybrid Transformer Enabled Harmonic Isolator for Sensitive Clustered Harmonic Loads (Yos Prabowo, Vishnu Mahadeva Iyer, Subhashish Bhattacharya, Eddy Aeloiza)
7. High Power DC-DC Converter based on Parallel Hybrid Converter (Mohd Shadab Ansari, Ibhan Chand Rath, Siba Kumar Patro, Anshuman Shukla)
8. A Control Technique to Eliminate dc Harmonics in Series-Connected Hybrid VSCs for HVDC Applications (Siba Kumar Patro, Anshuman Shukla)
9. Virtual Friction for Oscillation Damping and Inertia Sharing from Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Grids (Alberto Rodríguez-Cabero, Javier Roldán-Pérez, Milan Prodanovic, Jon Are Suul, Salvatore D'arco)