1. Observers for Discrete-Time Current Control of Converters Equipped with an LCL Filter (F.M. Mahafugur Rahman, Jarno Kukkola, Ville Pirsto, Mikko Routimo, Marko Hinkkanen)
2. Control Strategies Generation Mechanism for LLC Resonant Converter (Yuqi Wei, Quanming Luo, Dereje Woldegiorgis, Alan Mantooth)
3. Soft-Switching Auxiliary Current Control for Faster Load Transient Response of Buck Converter (Dongwook Kim, Myeongjae Hong, Jongun Baek, Jisu Lee, Joonho Shin, Jong-Won Shin)
4. H-Bridge MMCs with Symmetrical Half-Bridge Submodules (Jingyang Fang, Zhongxi Li, Stefan M. Goetz, Shunfeng Yang, Haiyu Wang)
5. Modular Multilevel Converter Device-Level Loss Balancing Control for Better Lifetime (Huan Qiu, Jinyu Wang, Yi Tang)
6. Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control Applied to Dual-Converter-Based Rectifiers (Victor F.M.B. Melo, Ruan C.V. dos Santos, Gleice M. da Silva Rodrigues, Nady Rocha, Edison R.C. da Silva)
7. A Simplified Modulated Model Predictive Control for Direct Matrix Converter (Xifei Liu, Xin Yin, Zhong Zeng, Sai Tang, Jun Wang)
8. Computational Cost Efficient Model of Losses for Multi-Port Active-Bridge Converters (Soleiman Galeshi, David Frey, Yves Lembeye)
9. A Constant Current Digital Control Method for Primary-Side Regulation Active-Clamp Flyback Converter (Chong Wang, Xiang Zhang, Daying Sun, Wenhua Gu)
10. Development of a Two-Level VSC based DC Impedance Measurement Unit (Le Kong, Nattapat Praisuwanna, Liang Qiao, Fred Wang)
11. DC Link Voltage Balancing of the Active Front-End for the Extreme Fast Charging Stations (Amirhossein Moeini, Sai Hemanth Kankanala, Jonathan W. Kimball)
12. Small Signal Modeling of Switched Tank Converter with Partial Power Voltage Regulation (Zisen Liu, Yundong Ma, Fuchun Zhang, Huijun Lu)
13. Capacitor Voltage Round-Robin Transmission Modes with Voltage-Ripple-Filtering Capability for an MMC Distributed Control System (Shunfeng Yang, Shun Liu, Hang Su, Wensheng Song, Bo Zhan)
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