1. A GaN-Based CRM Totem-Pole PFC Converter with Fast Dynamic Response and Noise Immunity for a Multi-Receiver WPT System (Jingjing Sun, Jie Li, Daniel J. Costinett, Leon M. Tolbert)
2. Operation of a Three-Phase Standalone Inverter with Online Parameter Update by Instantaneous Charge Transfer Estimation (Vikram Roy Chowdhury, Jonathan W. Kimball)
3. PWM and PFM Hybrid Modulation Scheme for Dual-Input LLC Resonant Converter (Xi Chen, Issa Batarseh)
4. Transient Mitigation in Mode Transitions for Composite DC-DC Converters (Aritra Ghosh, Vivek Sankaranarayanan, Robert W. Erickson)
5. Predictive Zero-Sequence Control of Parallel Three-Phase Active Rectifiers (Luca Tarisciotti, Claudio Burgos, Cristian Garcia, Jose Rodriguez)
6. A Novel Control Method for a Primary Triple Bridges Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Minimum RMS Current Optimization (Deliang Chen, Junjun Deng, Wenbo Wang, Zhenpo Wang, Shuo Wang, David G. Dorrell)
7. Analytical Control System Synthesis for Dual-Loop Cascaded Stationary Frame Voltage Regulators (H. Siraj, B.P. McGrath, I.U. Nutkani, Y. Liao, X. Wang)
8. A Novel SVPWM Method for NPC Three-Level Interleaved H-Bridge Inverter (Weichao Li, Jinyang Han, Liang Zhou, Chen Deng, Ming Yan)
9. Adaptive Sliding Mode Control based on a Hyperbolic Tangent Function for DC-to-DC Buck-Boost Power Converter (J. Linares-Flores, R. Heredia-Barba, O. Castro-Heredia, G. Curiel-Olivares, J.A. Juárez-Abad)
10. Input Shaping Control of Paralleled DC-DC Converters (Shishir Patel, Wayne Weaver)
11. Operation and Control of Converters having Integrated Capacitor Blocked Transistor Cells (Jianghui Yu, Rolando Burgos)
12. A CCM based Average Current Control Technique for Chopper Integrated Single-Phase ANPC Inverter to Minimize Voltage Ripple (Jagath Vallabhai Missula, Ravindranath Adda, Praveen Tripathy)
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