Highline State Park Site Visit with CPW

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Don't miss this opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about how a tiny mussel has made big impacts at Highline State Park to protect Colorado's waterways! We will meet at the Visitor Center at 2:00 p.m. for a comprehensive driving and walking tour lasting approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. During the tour, you will learn about the significant impacts of zebra mussels on the park. Representatives from the Grand Valley Water Users Association (GVWUA), who hold rights to the top 2 feet of the lake, will discuss how lake drawdowns affect their irrigation needs and the potential risks associated with zebra mussels entering their system. We will also address the broader implications of zebra mussels spreading across the state, including potential closures to motorized boating at places like Stanley Lake. Discussions will cover the impact on water recreation, particularly motorized boating, and the painstaking process of rebuilding warm water fisheries affected by invasive species. At the lake outlet, we'll examine the measures taken to prevent the spread into waterways downstream, including actions to safeguard the Colorado River. You are encouraged to stay after and enjoy the trails for walking or biking (BYOB-bring your own bike).