Self-Guided Road Biking - Advanced

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Riding Rim Rock Dr. offers cyclists a challenging ride with stunning views. Rim Rock Drive is a 23-mile-long scenic road, traveling between the park's east entrance in Grand Junction and the west entrance in Fruita. Cyclists can turn their ride into a 33-mile loop by using connecting roads outside of the monument. Parking areas are located by both entrance stations to the monument. For the 33-mile loop, the aggregate climb for a complete trip is 2300 vertical feet. Most of that elevation change is found on the steep grades just inside either entrance. Allow at least three hours for your ride. If you would like to ride the monument without tackling either of the hills, you can park your vehicle at the visitor center and ride across the top of the monument and back. When the visitor center lot is full, overflow parking is located at the Saddlehorn Picnic Area. A water bottle refilling station is located next to the front doors of the visitor center and is open 24 hours a day. Bring plenty of water. You'll need to drink lots of water due to the high elevation as it is a strenuous ride with low humidity.