7C: Connecting the Statewide Natural Heritage Survey with your community

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

The Colorado Natural Heritage Program has embarked on an effort to level-up the conservation data across the entire state of Colorado. This will focus effort on the most poorly surveyed counties in Colorado, where relatively little is known about biodiversity, rare species, and plant communities. We are engaging with land trust partners and open space programs across the state, to engage broadly with stakeholders, community scientists, and landowners. This session will provide an overview of the project, and engage participants in a dialogue and discussion on how to expand the survey efforts, and deepen the engagement with key constituents across the state. In this session we hope to craft a collective vision for how this effort will support equity and empower communities to develop sustainable recreation and conservation across different segments of society, focusing on the Regional Partnerships, Land Trust, and COSA community.