6C: Peer Learning and Crowdsourcing Solutions for Community Engagement with the CPW Regional Partnerships Initiative (Part 2 of 2)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

This interactive session will focus on shared learning around best practices for community engagement in the context of partnerships. The session will be facilitated by CU Boulder Masters of the Environment graduate students who are conducting their capstone research on the CPW Regional Partnerships Initiative (RPI). While this session will include coverage of lessons learned from the RPI, content will be relevant to anyone who works with communities and partnerships. The session will begin with a brief presentation on 1) preliminary insights around engaging and serving communities in rural Colorado based on stakeholder engagement research in the eastern plains, and 2) preliminary insights on maintaining progress supporting communities for novel partnerships based on research on the unique needs of newly established Regional Partnerships. The bulk of the session will include breakout discussions on topics including: 1) establishing benchmarks for success for community engagement and conservation/recreation planning, 2) community and stakeholder engagement for effective partnerships, 3) mutual learning across Colorado communities and partnerships, and 4) building community across This session is part 2 of a 2-part series on the Regional Partnerships Initiative. Part 2 is an interactive session which focuses on shared learning around best practices for community engagement in the context of partnerships.The panel in session 1 will discuss community engagement in their partnerships, providing insights that can spark discussions in session 2. Attending both sessions is not required. Attendees will learn and interact with Regional Partnerships Initiative topics in both sessions. land managers.