2C: Healthy by Nature: CSU Extension’s Role In Bridging Health, Nature, & Community

Monday, September 30, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

In the United States, research into the relationship between nature and health is quickly growing, revealing the numerous ways our well-being is intertwined with the natural world. Despite the well-known connection, there is not equitable access to parks, open spaces, and outdoor recreation for marginalized communities in Colorado. Through community partnership and engagement, Colorado State University Extension is facilitating responsive nature and health programming to increase access and connect Coloradans to the outdoors. Programs include a breadth of introductory opportunities to engage with nature through family events, art activities, hiking, fishing, and exploring parks and open spaces. Through the lens of health and well-being, CSU Extension aims to shift the expectation of outdoor programming from exploring remote places to connecting with nature in your own community.